Monday, March 30, 2009


We made it to 800 Sales!!!! W00t!

There was apparently some doubt as to if we'd actually make it, but we did. We have officially hit 800 sales, and April the 1st is our 8 Month Anniversary! YES!

Ok... I'm done now, its just exciting. We're officially averaging 100 sales per month!

As of tomorrow we should be completely caught up from being behind since I couldn't work last week (some of you know, some may not, that I broke up a fight between my dog and my cat and wound up being the only one who lost that fight. Two trips to the ER and 2 different antibiotics later I was in no way shape or form touching anything soap related till I was completely healed).

After we're all caught up we will begin introducing our summer scents into our shop, and also some new products to our line up. Stay tuned to this blog for more information!



hollyzhobby said...

Congratulations on your fantastic sales. Glad to hear you have recuperated.

aylwyn27 said...


Michael said...


Unknown said...

Congrats! Those are fantastic sales, way to go!