Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Technical Tuesday - I'm "technically" late with posting lately

But I have an excuse - really.  I had to do inventory.

O.M.G. that sucked.  You would not believe (ok, so I know all my crafter buddies would) exactly how much "stuff" one person can accumulate in a year! And all of it had to be sorted, weighed, tallied, counted, and recorded (to say nothing of being organized and restocked in the process because it had all just been moved from St. Charles to Virgina - yet another reason I *really* want to duplicate all my stock so I don't have to keep moving all that stuff!).

So - 4 days and 14 Legal Size pages of single spaced 1 item per line, later... inventory is *finally* done and I can get on with other things!

You see, I have this plan of greatness worked out in my head - now I just have to find the time to implement it.  But it goes something like this:

Blog more often - I have 6 daily topics I plan to cover throughout each week -

Made-It Monday - Tutorials, New Products, other crafts I do, or other major accomplishments in my life... I will also use this spot for guest bloggers to share their crafts as well.

Technical Tuesday - Technical information, in depth information about the ingredients I use (all 12 pages of basic ingredients should give me lots of things to talk about), business information (the life and times of running a small business and behind the scenes sorts of things)...

Wordy Wednesday - You've already had a taste of this.  Everyone else does "Wordless Wednesday" and I like to go against the grain ;-)  Then too - I like to talk... A Lot.  :-D

Thud Thursday - Thursdays for me always seem to be the hard days to get through.  I mean, Mondays routinely suck for everyone. Tuesdays are the real start of the week.  Wednesday is hump day... Friday is almost the weekend... Saturday and Sunday are days of rest and relaxation (can you hear the sarcasm in my text?)... but Thursdays are just... Thud Days.  So these will be all of the things that make you go "huh?" and other inanities in life - and sometimes (like the Christmas version) it will actually be me making that sound as I hit the floor from running myself ragged. (This week's Thud Thursday will be the "things that make you say "WTF?" version.

Friday, I'm in Love! - Yes, yes, credit where credit is due... when I came up with that one I was, in fact, thinking of the Cure song.  This is the day reserved for me to tell you all about the cool things I've found on the web - Etsy or otherwise, but primarily Etsy - to give a bit of encouragement and exposure to all of those cool handcrafted artisans out there in the world - because there are a lot of them that don't get near the attention I think they deserve...

Saturdays I haven't a clue what I'm going to do here... This may be the one day a week I don't blog - just because I'm sure you'll all get tired of me talking eventually.  Though I am debating running polls or something to go along with the theme of Sunday's posts which are...

Say It Sunday - All of the things that people have said - good bad and otherwise about the shop, the products, and everything else.  And yes, I said the bad too.  One of the hardest parts of running a business as a sole proprietor is trying to get it just right.  And, me being the human that I am, I am bound to f*ck it up from time to time.  So, when someone has a complaint about something I've  done, they don't like a product, or whatever the complaint might be, this will be the place where I work out what went wrong and how to fix it the next time around.  I believe that transparency is the best way to go about doing things... Of course, as with last week, I will balance that out with all of the raves that people have about the things I make - because, though it sometimes feels immodest, I do sincerely appreciate all of the lovely compliments...it makes me remember why I do this during times when the stress makes me wonder what I was thinking in even starting it.

.... So yeah.  That's my grand plan for the blog.  Wordy Wednesday will cover my grand plans for the shops.  Yes, shops, plural.  This Friday, the 8th, I am reopening Little Heathens.  It will be a soft re-open, very low key.  I will be doing a Grand Reopening (with a party?) on February 1st - or as soon as I can get the full line of new products listed, which ever comes first. :)


Lisa said...

so on say it sunday can i say how de~cellulite smooth my butt is getting from the coffee cream? or should i say buttocks to be more professional or should i just send you a picture?


Amy said...

LOL! I have tears from laughing so hard (oops, and I woke up hubby too...)

I'd say butt is fine. I've said f*ck at least 4 times in the last couple of weeks...LOL Though a picture would be fabulous! (I am putting together a picture post I need to get more volunteers though - The 2 I have so far are of people using the face masks :)

sparkklejar said...

OK but i do have to overcome a few obstacles

1.find enough alcohol to muster up enough courage to take butt picture

2.force one of the kids to actually take butt picture.

3.figure a nice parental way to explain why it is OK under certain circumstances to post your butt on the internet.

or maybe just get really drunk and go to walmart and plop my ass on a copy machine, hey its walmart~i bet that happens there at least 4 times a week, no one will even notice.


Amy said...

Ok. Seriously... I'm going to die. LOL

Maybe you should just do a video tutorial of how to apply the cream to your butt.. then you can use a tripod...LOL

sparkklejar said...

I think using a tripod to apply cream to your butt is a bad idea, but if you say so. I'll try anything once.


Amy said...

dayum. you're on a roll tonight aren't ya? LOL

Pili said...

I wish I could try and stick with a weekly schedule like that, but the only weekly event I have are the Sunday Shots, and they still get late or pushed to two weeks in one post...

Maybe working better on my blogging would be a good New Year resolution!

Amy said...

@Pili, well, as you can see from my previous posting history - this is my grand plan - I haven't quite gotten it down pat yet for timing :-D

More like, something I'm aiming for ;)

daniii♥ said...

Special Saturday - blog about all the specials/sales going on

Amy said...

ooh... good Idea Dani :) will keep that in mind this weekend :)