Monday, January 19, 2009

Heathen's Hearth Top 10 Scents

*And other ways we keep score*
So I went through all of our sales last night and copied the scents of each item sold into a spread sheet. OMG the dull.

The doldrums were broken up by spending about half the time I was making the list on the phone with a friend of mine. But I'll get to that story in a minute. First the 2 top 10 lists. (Yes, 2, there was going to be a third, but I'll do that one later.)

The first list is our Top 10 Sellers, includes all holiday scents, and is undedited in any way.

10. Pumpkin Pie
9. Lavender
8. Cafe Mocha
7. Honey Oatmeal (aka Oatmeal, Milk and Honey or Oatmeal Honeycake)
6. Lemon Cream
5. Spiced Cranberry
4. Frosted Snowdrop
3. Gingerbread
2. Peppermint Frosting
1. .... I'll save this for later. After all, its number one in all of the lists...

The second top 10 list excluded all holiday scents. The reason being that, well, we don't carry them all the time, so its not really fair to the other scents, since we're using the top 10 lists as a way to narrow down our shop listings. Each of the top 10 scents will have its own listings... all the rest will be put in a single "pick your own scent" listing. That way, people who like the less popular scents can still get them, but we don't lose as much listing scents that aren't likely to sell as often. Win/Win for everyone.

So...without further ado:

The Top 10 scents of the last 5 months:

10. Dragons blood
9. Blueberry Cobbler
8. Amber
7. Pomegranate Vanilla
6. Pumpkin Pie (after serious debate we have decided to carry this one full time...)
5. Lavender
4. Cafe Mocha
3. Honey Oatmeal (see aka's above)
2. Lemon Cream
and the #1 scent: Sandalwood. :)

Now, others that are new (like Cedar & Saffron, Sandalwood Rose, Euphoria, Seduction, and other seasonal scents) aren't affected by these lists and will still have their own listings. We haven't had them up long enough to know how they'll perform - even though they're tied with scents that people obviously aren't gung ho over, like Orange Pomander, Apple Crisp, and Victorian Rose.
Now I'd like to tell you a (roughly paraphrased) story of true customer loyalty. Its a story about a child's love of chocolate mint, and a dread of boring bath time.
As I mentioned at the begining of this, I was on the phone with a friend of mine while making up this list, and we were talking about life and children, and she was telling me about an incident with her 9 year old daughter.
"We were out of snacks, so I stopped by the convenience store and picked up 2 of those Texas Cinnamon Buns. When I picked her up from school that afternoon, she had $5 on her that she didn't have when she left - So I asked her 'where did you get the $5?' "

"Oh, this boy in my class wanted my cinnamon rolls, and he offered me $5 for them, so I figured since you only paid 50 cents each and he really wanted them, why not? Oh, and since I have $5 now, can you buy me some more of that chocolate mint soap? My baths are really dull without it."

True story. We must carry chocolate mint soap forever, or until this child outgrows it. Because who can dissapoint a child that precocious?


Jenni said...

You know what's funny? Sandalwood was one of the main ingredients in the "yule" soap, right?
Well, I gave my hubby the little sampler soaps in his stocking along with the bigger bars under the tree, and although I found the yule too strong for my taste, he actually likes it best. Go figure. I guess I'll need to get some sandalwood when these bars run out! LOL!

Heathen's Hearth said...

If not, we can always do custom orders for the holiday scents through out the year, you just need to let us know that's what you want! :)

I'm so glad he likes them!

Anonymous said...

Hey it's Aylwyn27(Beth)

Just so you know Anna said she'll never outgrow it. ;) When I told her you said you'd have to keep some on hand at all times she said, "It's all mine!" Looks like I'll have to go get some more Texas Cinnamon Buns for her to sell.