Now, we've never been known for following the usual trends, and we're not about to start. So, instead of getting presents for our "birthday", we're going to give some away! We're at the peak of summer, when everything is fresh - fresh veggies, fresh air... you get the idea. So we've chosen one great summer scents for this give away - Fabulous Cucumber Mint. Its a deliciously crisp blend of mild cucumber and cooling fresh mint - perfect for the dog days of summer ahead.

And this isn't just any old give away. The lucky winner is going to be getting a set of Full Size Products from our summer line up - almost $30 worth of products! You will receive:
1 5oz bar of glycerin soap, 1 4oz jar of our Goats Milk and Honey lotion, 1 8oz jar of Skin Softening Bath Salts, and 1 5oz jar of our Exfoliating Sugar Scrub.

Ways to enter:
1 - leave a comment on this entry telling us your favorite part of summer.
2 - be a follower of our blog (you do not need to leave a comment letting us know you follow us, these entries will be pulled from our followers list from blogger.com)
3 - every item purchased from our shop before August 1st will get you 1 entry
4 - post a link to this contest on your social networking site of choice (1 entry per website, leave a separate comment for each link-back to have them all counted... maximum 3 entries per person via social networking) examples include blogs, facebook, myspace, twitter, plurk etc.
Entry deadline is 11:59pm August 1st (the one year anniversary of our first listed item). Winner will be chosen at random from all entries using the Randomizer at www.random.org and will be announced on August 4th (the one year anniversary of our first sale!).

We're looking forward to moving into the next year with lots of new product lines, fabulous new scents, and of course, lots of time getting to know our customers - because without you, we wouldn't be here at all.
Congratulations on your 1 year anniversary.
My favorite part of summer is sitting on the porch swing in the back yard, watching the dogs play, and reading a good book!
It seems that great minds think alike! Today is also my birthday (not joking!) and I decided to do it hobbit-style and hold a giveaway on my blog...wherein the winner gets to pick something from your shop which I will get for them.
What are the chances. LOL!!!!! http://brightonwoman.blogspot.com/2009/07/its-my-hobbit-birthday-yes-that-means.html
Oh, and because I want to enter too :) My favorite part of summer is either sleeping-in or homemade ice cream. (I have a darn good recipe.) I confess I also like the ease of wearing sandals all the time...I live in AK so big socks and boots are must-haves for much of the year, and I always enjoy sandal time.
My fav part of summer is going to yard sales and having bbq's and the smell of fresh cut grass. thanks! jacquecurl1@gmail.com
Congratulations!!!! What a yummy giveaway..I'm in!! I already follow - but will go list a link on my blog.
My favorite part of summer...I tie dye with my preschoolers in July every year (last week) - looove it - so much fun!! Sarah
My favorite part of summer is having the kids home and getting to relax from our usual routine!
I twittered here:
And posted on facebook here:
Congratulations on your 1 year Etsyversay!
My favorite part of summer are long sunny days and all the fresh veggies and fruit available!
I live out of state from my family.My favorite part of summer is when I go home to visit them :)
Happy Etsyversary!:D
My favorite part of summer is reading in the yard, after the sun starts going down...for four hours. I love late evenings!
Ooh, and swimming.
Happy Anniversary!
My favorite part of summer is in June, when we're all excited to get the first warm day, so we can put on sunglasses, don our new sandals and listen to reggae music....
....or in July, 80 degrees, in the shade, sprawled out in the cool grass with an iced tea...
I forgot what I was supposed to be doing - is that it?
Already follow!
Twitter: http://twitter.com/CREATEaTHOUGHT
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/home.php#/pages/CREATEaTHOUGHT/24944194747?ref=ts
My favorite part of summer is when I can tell it's almost over. ;) Fall is my favorite season.
Tweeted about your great giveaway!
My favorite part of summer is going for walks and to play at the park w/ my daughter.
My favorite part of summer is seeing my garden grow from a bed of dirt to an uncontrollable mass of plants to yummy stuff on my plate!
My favourite part of summer would have to be the BBQ's
Happy anniversary!
My favorite part of summer is that I see it as a change of pace - it's like my New Year's, in that I often make changes to my life during the summer months!
Fantastic giveaway my fingers are crossed.I am following your blog.Marian
My favorite part about summer is all the fresh fruit! Yum!
My favorite part of the summer is being able to start growing vegetables in our container garden, it's so exciting!
daer0n_ at hotmail dot com
I blogged:
daer0n_ At hotmail dot com
I love seeing the fireflies and catching/releasing them with my 4 y.o. It's magical :)
I tweeted it:
daer0n_ at hotmail dot com
Congratulations on your anniversary!
My favourite part of summer is sitting outside on a comfortable night with a cold glass of iced tea, watching the moon come up.
Congrats on 1 year! That is a major milestone.
My favorite part of summer is kayaking!
katie[at]start to finish dot com
Tweeted about your giveaway:
My favorite part of summer is going to festivals where I can swim outside, preferably without a swimsuit! lol
Also... Ice Cream. 'Nuff said!
My favorite parts of summer are yard sales and blooming flowers.
oheeyore at hotmail dot com
i love that summer turns our extra bedroom/study/office into yet another room... our sun room!! i love reading on the futon in there until i fall asleep with the breeze through the windows. =)
what a great give-away, i think i can already smell the cucumber mint. ;)
Congrats on your 1 year! I just celebrated my own blogoversary.
My favorite part of summer is spending lazy days at the lake with my son and my dog. And grilling food, because my husband is a master griller!
Thanks for the great giveaway!
Fav part is being lazy and reading books!
KawaiiNeko2008 at aol dot com
my favourite part is when my girls break up from school and we can do stuff together… : )
Sounds like some yummy products! My favorite part of summer is later on in the fall.
Spring is a bad time for me because of allergies :(
I also followed your blog :)
My favorite part of summer is knowing winter is gone! :)
best part of summer - early morning when its still cool, working in the garden and fresh veggies/goodies from the farmers market! then reading in the afternoon in the shade when you cant do anything else. thanks for the contest!
Happy anniversary! I love sitting on the front porch or lying in the hammock, eating a popsicle.
urchiken at gmail dot com
My favorite part of summer is having the doors and windows open! Thank you
Family walks on the shoreline and craft projects with my family.
heidivargas [at] live dot com
Blogged about the giveaway @ http://theblackcell.com/blogs/?p=30562
heidivargas [at] live dot com
Congrats on the 1 year anniversary! :)
hhmmm, my favorite part of summer is going to the beach or having a pool party at our house. oh and playing with my bunny. :D
I love being able to swim whenever I want...
jswandrn @ gmail.com
Happy Etsyversary! LOL, saw some people saying that and thought what a cool choice of words. haha.
My favorite part of summer would have to be going on the cruise to Alaska. relaxxx.
ooops, sorry forgot to mention my email
I love the scent of cucumber. What a nice summer scent! My favorite part of summer is floating around in my pool. It's so relaxing just floating around and listening to the birds chirping and kids playing in the background :)
Congrats on your one year anniversary! You have really taken off!
My favorite part are the nostalgic summer nights and the light wines.
Live Journal blog:
I don't know if that takes you to my page or the post. I'm on your friends list so hopefully you see/saw it. LOL
My favorite part of summer is sitting in the garden on my swing and reading.
My favourite part of summer is enjoying trying to cool down; i.e. with grapefruit sherbet, a cool shower, lemonade and probably the only time of year I might drink a beer!
tooluckyducky AT hotmail DOT com
Congrats on your birthday! I love the ocean in summer. Nothing beats it!
Happy birthday, still using that black amber stuff i got last.
oops forgot the favourite part of summer...
Um when it is over, as DFW, Tx is way to hot to enjoy summer
Congrats on your anniversary! My favorite part of summer is the food of course. Berries are ripe, you can cook out, and eat out too.
My favorite part of summer is sunshine and warmer weather :) *Thanks* for the giveaway!
My favorite par tof summer is the hot weather. :D I also love any of the water ports, swimming, boating, fishing.
My favorite part of summer..
The 2$ treat receipts @ Starbucks.. haha.
I can get my iced latte, go home and enjoy my latte while lounging in my bath with my Jupita soap from heathens...
heyheyhey! hobbit birthdays rawk!
I love the warm sun on my body...it makes me feel great!
Happy Anniversary!! My fave part of summer is wearing comfy flip flops!
My favorite part of summer is cool flowing summer sundresses!
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